Monthly Archives: January 2012


Employment Law Update

By | 2012-01-27T09:39:31+00:00 January 27th, 2012|Categories: Human Resources, News, Solo Consultancy Ltd, Uncategorized|

There are a number of recent changes to employment law that all employers will need to be aware of. Make sure that you have included all the changes in your policies, procedures and information that you share with staff, clients and customers and other stakeholders, and if you would like any assistance in ensuring that you [...]

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

By | 2012-01-27T09:37:54+00:00 January 27th, 2012|Categories: Human Resources, People Management, Solo Consultancy Ltd, Uncategorized|

We spend a lot of time at Solo, talking to clients and colleagues about how they can grow and improve their business; how they can stay abreast of current developments and ensure that their organisations remains current and effective and how they can develop themselves and their staff to be as effective and productive as possible. [...]

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